ReTec bale opener at IKW Rüdersdorf
The plant of STEAG Waste to Energy GmbH, a subsidiary of the Essen energy group STEAG, is located at the gates of Berlin in the Märkisch-Oderland district (State of Brandenburg) in the large minicipality of Rüdersdorf between the districts of Hennickendorf and Herzfelde.
In the waste incineration plant, predominantly municipal and commercial waste from the Berlin-Brandenburg area is used thermally. The modern technical equipment enables a particularly high electrical efficiency. That means: Compared to conventional waste incineration plants, a much higher electricity yield is achieved in Rüdersdorf.
The IKW Rüdersdorf primarily produces electricity for the neighboring cement plant of CEMEX Zement GmbH, in which the majority is used directly. The electricity that is produced beyond the needs of CEMEX flows into the network of the transmission system operator E.ON edis and is used for the general power supply.
Plant characteristics
Fuel througput 270.000 t/a
Furnace heat output
– 110 MW, rating
– Maximum value 121 MW
Live steam mass flow 120,3 t/h
Live steam parameters 90 bar/400 °C
Electrical power output
Power plant, approximately 30 MW net
IKW Rüdersdorf uses a ReTec bale opener to open the RDF-bales. The machine is from 2013 and has now 3500 operating hours.
Time for a visit to look after the well-being of our machine. Ms. Theda Schröder from IKW Rüdersdorf welcomes us with a smile and says: ”Well, there is not much to say. The machine is running...”
Download the customer case as pdf: IKW Rüdersdorf
More information?
Would you like to know more about the ReTec bale opener you can find more information here: ReTec bale opener